ClingLife Might Seem Crazy, But . . .
Okay, let’s face it—ClingLife might seem a little crazy. We cling fiercely to a God we can’t see. We abide in Christ our Savior, knowing He died for our sins and was resurrected from the dead—though we didn’t witness any of it with our natural eyes. And it might be hard to explain, but you can’t tell us the Holy Spirit isn’t guiding, correcting, convicting, teaching, directing, downloading wisdom, and leading us in all things.
We read words written thousands of years ago and expect those words to give life today. We anticipate the inexplicable, that those words will breathe into our very existence, reshape our very thoughts, order our very steps. We invite those words to invade the deepest corners of our hearts, and we praise God when ugly, hidden things are revealed. Why? Because—call us crazy—we’re thankful we can then repent, which means we can draw even closer to the Father. And maybe strangest of all—we devour the same words over and over, believing they are alive and active and will yet teach, correct, strengthen, comfort, and guide us.
We’ve bought into “for we walk by faith, not by sight” (2 Corinthians 5:7), so much so that life often doesn’t make sense. We might have the resources and wherewithal to move with something we know God put in our hearts—but we sit and wait [insert sigh] because somehow we just know God is saying it’s not time. Or we might have none of the resources, yet we sense God moving us forward in faith. So with another sigh, we say, “Yes, Lord,” and move.
And we pray. About everything. And because we pray, we take jobs that don’t make sense. Quit jobs when it doesn’t make sense. Move cross country when we’d rather stay put. Fight our flesh when it wants to do what we want to do—when we know it’s not what God wants us to do.
All by the grace of God. He empowers us to walk out ClingLife.
But sometimes . . .
We don’t realize how out there ClingLife is until we spend time with others who don’t live this way. A few months after moving to Baton Rouge, someone asked, “So have you made any friends? It can be so hard to make friends in a new place.” I said, “Oh, I don’t really look to make friends. I pray for God to establish my friendships.” When her eyebrow arched, I knew I sounded weird. (It sparked a great convo though.)
But it’s not just conversations with others that remind us we’re umm . . . different. The enemy loves to remind us as well. I’ve been praying and waiting a good while regarding a matter, and just this morning these thoughts sailed through my mind: Why do you live like this? Why is your entire life structured around the supernatural? Do you not realize how crazy this is??
For a moment I thought, yeaahhh, it is kind of crazy. What if I’m praying and waiting . . . for nothing? What if it all ends with a big ol’ shrug as I mutter to myself, Oh, well, I don’t know what that was about, but . . . back to reality!
Then I caught myself.
This is my reality. My reality is the supernatural! I do cling fiercely to a God I can’t see. I live in a whole kingdom I can’t see—“For our citizenship is in heaven” (Philippians 3:20)—with real, powerful angels that abound. I do believe God’s word is alive and active—yes, supernatural—and that He uses it to speak to me. I believe in the power of prayer, and I believe that God is faithful to keep His promisees. If He says He acts in behalf of the one who waits for Him (Isaiah 64:4)—then I’m gonna believe that!
If ClingLife is crazy, then you’re just gonna have to call me crazy.
Except, ahem . . . you’re right here with me, so we’d have to be crazy together. Lol
But we’re not crazy. We worship a true and living God! We stand on His true and living Word! We believe He is faithful to keep His promises and He still does wonders!
Whenever we’re tempted to think we might be a little crazy to hold so tightly to God and His word, here’s what our response needs to be:
Pray even more.
Run to the word, feast, and meditate even more.
And cling, cling—and when it starts to look crazy—cling some more.
Because this is what we do—CLINGLIFE!
What about you? Do you ever survey your life, the things you’re waiting and believing God for, choices and decisions you’ve made for Christ’s sake, even hardships you may be enduring for Christ’s sake, and wonder—am I crazy?? How do you quiet those voices in your head and stay clinging?